TOGETHER, We Support our Schools. We Support our Children.
School success and parental involvement go hand in hand. The best way to stay actively involved in children’s education is to be an active participant in the PTO. As a parent/guardian with a child in the Edgewater School District, you are already part of the PTO. Edgewater Parents and Teachers working together to create the best possible school experience for our children in grades PreK-6.
Our Mission
Our goal is to support our schools financially and provide all Edgewater children with the best educational experience possible.
Who We Are
The Edgewater Schools PTO is made up of volunteer parents, staff and teacher representatives and GW and EVG school principals.
EdgewaterPTO is a 501(a)(3) organization.
Sonia Sussman, Co-Chair & Communications Chair
Anastasia MacArthur, Co-Chair & Treasurer
Yoori Chau, EVG Liaison
Victoria Kar, Special Events Coordinator
Diana Robbana, Special Events Coordinator
Dominique Pio, Corresponding Secretary
What We Do
Throughout the school year PTO works to raise funds for special projects; organizes community-building activities and school events; provides support to teachers and classrooms and reaches out to families.
Fundraisers are an important aspect of PTO mission, which is to support the teaching staff and school programs by providing funds and materials that will broaden the educational experience of each student at Edgewater Schools. Money raised through the PTO goes toward new educational technology, classroom supplies, special teacher projects, purchasing books for the library and classrooms, etc.
How You Can Help
There are lots of ways to stay involved through PTO activities. The best way to stay informed is to attend PTO meetings. Our meetings are open to the public. At these meetings we will talk about issues that concern parents, hear reports from principals and teacher representatives and learn about fundraising activities that support education at EVG and GW schools.
As a parent, whether you have a lot or a little time to give, there are always opportunities for parent involvement. You may volunteer for or run a program, lead a committee or sponsor an event. Parents can support PTO fundraising simply by shopping, clipping, and attending events! Show your pride by purchasing EVG and GW spirit wear and select us as your favorite Charity on Amazon Smiles. If you own or work for a business, we also welcome sponsorship for PTO events.
Edgewater PTO 2023-2024 Accomplishments:
Coordinated Welcome Luncheon for new staff at River Palm Terrace (*Cost covered by River Palm Terrace)
Provided Back-to-School luncheon for all teachers and staff, with goodie bags for teachers
Hosted Family Book Fair - Fall & Spring
Hosted Picture Day
Hosted Apex Fun Run
Hosted Holiday Shop
Hosted Read-a-thon
Provided Teacher Appreciation Week food and festivities
Purchased t-shirts and supplies for Field Days at both GW and EVG
Hosted Glow Party & Ice Cream Celebration for EVG
Provided two cash awards for graduating 6th Graders
Sponsored the Math Tang Challenge
Purchased musical chairs for the EVG students
Donated Scholastic Magazine Subscriptions for Teachers & Students